8 Reasons to Live a Sober Life And Be Free Of Addiction

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Before you completely cut out alcohol, try taking a moment or two to think about how your relationship with alcohol has changed over the years and where it stands today. “Most people find more power in themselves as they grow confident handling stress, sleep, and social situations without relying on alcohol,” he says. When you remove alcohol from your life for a designated period of time, you can better understand the role it plays in your life and how significant it is for you.

The idea of rehab might seem intimidating to lots of people. Relationships formed while someone is in the throes of addiction often require adjustments when that person gets clean. A family member who is used to taking care of you may seem annoying and controlling when you are sober.

Control your environment

Living a sober life after going through addiction gives you a new perspective on life. This is because it allows you to see the world through new eyes after being clouded by alcohol and drugs for so long. Continuous substance abuse can even do things like cause your blood pressure to spike or decrease to an unhealthy range. When your blood pressure becomes too high or too low, it can cause your body to go into shock. Therefore, it is sometimes imperative for your blood pressure and overall health to become sober. Due to the toxicity level of alcohol and drugs, when you chronically abuse them, your immune system lowers.

Spending more time with supportive loved ones and planning activities for the entire family can also help you develop a healthier lifestyle and avoid situations in which you would normally drink or use drugs. Under certain conditions, alcohol can negatively affect our bodies and personal relationships. However, in today’s culture, drinking alcohol is often encouraged in social settings, which can lead to becoming 5 Tips to Consider When Choosing a Sober Living House reliant on it and, in some cases, dependent on it. Being sober curious may help provide insight into how you relate to alcohol. Some people who don’t drink alcohol have made a conscious decision to eliminate alcohol from their lives, sometimes through the help of a 12-step program such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Are you ready to start your journey to recovering from drug and alcohol addiction?

Giving up alcohol frees up your physical time and energy.

You don’t have to call or text the people you were with and try to piece together the previous night. Life after addiction might also mean you have more professional success and new creative outlets that you discover when drugs and alcohol aren’t occupying all of your time. If you’re involved in a 12-step program, you likely already know the importance of milestones. In these programs, it’s customary to receive plastic chips as you progress to the one-year mark, at which time you receive a bronze coin.

  • At Ethos, we understand that there are many ways to achieve and maintain sobriety.
  • If left unchecked, anger can have a negative impact on your health and your lasting sobriety.
  • It’s been said that meds can “buy us time to do the work,” and they may indeed be indispensable for stabilizing an individual who has only known chaos and disordered thought and wild mood swings.

Being comfortable with communicating can empower you to reach out and seek guidance and assistance from your peers, support system, and addiction treatment specialists, and mental health professionals. Ask yourself if you stay silent even when you don’t want to, or you speak up when you’re comfortable doing so. Think about if the things you say represent what you truly feel and want. Likewise, observe if you use hard words with others to prevent vulnerability or protect yourself.

Sober Life Community

If you are seeking advice on how to better your sobriety, we can help. At Ethos, we understand that there are many ways to achieve and maintain sobriety. When you think of sobriety, your mind is likely to go straight to the word abstinence.

  • Commonly referred to as the “Twelve and Twelve”, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions comprises 24 foundational essays by Alcoholics Anonymous co-founder Bill W.
  • We even provide detox and dual diagnosis treatment for those that need it.
  • Take your time and take it easy as you venture out into the sober world.
  • The data indicate the more sober-curious you are, the more likely you are to drink more.

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